Vanilla cream

A dessert of my invention quite simple to prepare with very basic ingredients.

Milk with a little bit of flour, sugar and lemon. all to boil for about ten minutes.

After dozens of iterations, I finally found a dessert that suits my charming wife!

recipe for 8 servings.

ready in less than 30 minutes.




  1. Heat the milk in a pan with vanilla. Stir occasionally with a spatula.
  2. During this time mix the sugar and the eggs in a large bowl until the mixture is getting white.
  3. Think about stirring milk.
  4. Add flour in 4 or 5 times in the large bowl. Whisk well each time until you get a smooth and viscous mixture.
  5. At the first boiling of milk, pour it slowly in the mix while whipping.
  6. Add lemon juice.
  7. Whip well for a minute until the mixture becomes creamy.
  8. Put the cream in the pan.
  9. Put it on low heat until some big bubbles appear.
  10. Quickly put the cream in one or more pots before it cools through the strainer.
  11. Add a little bit of eminent hazelnuts, pralin or chocolate chips over it.
  12. Keep in the refrigerator for a few hours.

20/05/2021 Got some real pictures for me and now it looks good!

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